What is Veraison?
Veraison isn’t an actual procedure carried out on the plants, but it can be recognised when the bunches of grapes change colour. In this stage, we witness the ripening of the grapes, which fill up with water and sugary substances, as well as a change in size, colour and suppleness.
Veraison is another very delicate phase of the productive cycle of the vine. In this period, we’re getting ready for the harvest.
Veraison: duration
The Veraison process doesn’t happen at the same time for all grapes. It actually changes from grape to grape on each bunch present on the vine. The average time is between 40 and 50 days and varies according to the type of vine.
The stage of Veraison greatly depends on the weather conditions. We always hope that we will be spared from heavy rain and hail during this period, as the harvest may be threatened and grapes damaged.
It is a pleasure to walk among the grapevines in the month of July: you can almost feel the satisfaction of the previous months’ hard work, which is almost coming to an end. You’ll definitely notice if you come and visit us during this time!